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Text File | 1991-08-23 | 4.4 KB | 193 lines | [TEXT/PJMM] |
- unit DisplayHQX;
- { DeHQX v2.0.0 © Peter Lewis, Aug 1991 }
- interface
- uses
- FixMath, MyTypes, MyUtilities, MyFileSystem, MySystem7, MyLists, AppGlobals, Displays, HQXLists, ReadHQX;
- procedure OpenDisplay (var wp: windowPtr);
- procedure DisplayOpen (wp: windowPtr; hi: hqxinfo);
- procedure DisplayFork (wp: windowPtr; fork: forkType; i: longInt; oe: OSErr);
- procedure DisplayFinish (wp: windowPtr; oe: OSErr);
- procedure DisplayClose (wp: windowPtr);
- procedure CloseDisplay (var wp: windowPtr);
- implementation
- const
- k_char = 1;
- p_char = 2;
- s_char = 3;
- S_100Per = 1;
- S_Failed = 2;
- S_Chars = 3;
- S_Looking = 4;
- S_Dehqxing = 5;
- DI_Progress = 1;
- DI_Reading = 2;
- DI_Status = 10;
- DI_Name = 3; { NB: Uses the fact that all info from Name to RsrcPer is cleared on DisplayClose }
- DI_Creator = 4;
- DI_Type = 5;
- DI_DataSize = 6;
- DI_DataPer = 7;
- DI_RsrcSize = 8;
- DI_RsrcPer = 9;
- type
- hqxInfoX = record
- whivalid: boolean;
- whi: hqxInfo;
- wfork: forkType;
- doe, roe: integer;
- di, dlen, ri, rlen: longInt;
- end;
- hqxInfoXP = ^hqxInfoX;
- var
- chars: string[3];
- function GetHqxInfoXP (wp: windowPtr): hqxInfoXP;
- begin
- GetHqxInfoXP := hqxInfoXP(GetWRefCon(wp));
- end;
- function NumToK (n: longInt): str255;
- var
- s: str255;
- begin
- NumToString((n + 1023) div 1024, s);
- s := Concat(s, chars[k_char]);
- NumToK := s;
- end;
- function GetDisplayStr (i: integer): str255;
- var
- s: str255;
- begin
- GetIndString(s, display_strh_id, i);
- GetDisplayStr := s;
- end;
- procedure OpenDisplay (var wp: windowPtr);
- var
- hixp: hqxInfoXP;
- it: integer;
- ih: handle;
- box: rect;
- begin
- chars := GetDisplayStr(S_Chars);
- wp := GetNewDialog(display_dialog_id, nil, POINTER(-1));
- GetDItem(wp, DI_Progress, it, ih, box);
- SetDItem(wp, DI_Progress, it, handle(@ProgressItem), box);
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Status, GetDisplayStr(S_Looking));
- hixp := POINTER(NewPtr(SizeOf(hqxInfoX)));
- hixp^.whivalid := false;
- SetWRefCon(wp, longInt(hixp));
- end;
- procedure DisplayOpen (wp: windowPtr; hi: hqxInfo);
- var
- hixp: hqxInfoXP;
- vrn: integer;
- dirID: longInt;
- fname: str63;
- oe: OSErr;
- begin
- hixp := GetHqxInfoXP(wp);
- hixp^.whi := hi;
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Reading, processing_name);
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Status, GetDisplayStr(S_Dehqxing));
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Name, hi.name);
- if hi.t = 'APPL' then begin
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Creator, hi.c);
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Type, 'Application');
- end
- else begin
- if MyGetAPPL(hi.c, vrn, dirID, fname) = noErr then
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Creator, fname)
- else
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Creator, hi.c);
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Type, hi.t);
- end;
- SetItemText(wp, DI_DataSize, concat(NumToK(hi.dlen), chars[s_char]));
- SetItemText(wp, DI_RsrcSize, concat(NumToK(hi.rlen), chars[s_char]));
- hixp^.whivalid := true;
- with hixp^ do begin
- wfork := no_fork;
- di := 0;
- dlen := hi.dlen;
- doe := noErr;
- ri := 0;
- rlen := hi.rlen;
- roe := noErr;
- end;
- end;
- procedure DisplayClose (wp: windowPtr);
- var
- hixp: hqxInfoXP;
- i: integer;
- begin
- hixp := GetHqxInfoXP(wp);
- hixp^.whivalid := false;
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Status, GetDisplayStr(S_Looking));
- for i := DI_Name to DI_RsrcPer do
- SetItemText(wp, i, '');
- end;
- procedure CloseDisplay (var wp: windowPtr);
- var
- hixp: hqxInfoXP;
- begin
- hixp := GetHqxInfoXP(wp);
- DisposPtr(ptr(hixp));
- DisposDialog(wp);
- end;
- procedure DisplayFork (wp: windowPtr; fork: forkType; i: longInt; oe: OSErr);
- var
- s1, s2: str255;
- pp, item: integer;
- len: longInt;
- begin
- { Only called between DisplayOpen and DisplayClose }
- ProgressItem(wp, DI_Progress);
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Reading, processing_name);
- with GetHqxInfoXP(wp)^ do begin
- wfork := fork;
- if fork = data_fork then begin
- di := i;
- len := dlen;
- doe := oe;
- item := DI_DataSize;
- end
- else begin
- item := DI_RsrcSize;
- ri := i;
- len := rlen;
- roe := oe;
- end;
- end;
- if len = 0 then
- s1 := GetDisplayStr(S_100Per)
- else begin
- NumToString((i * 100) div len, s1);
- s1 := Concat(s1, chars[p_char]);
- end;
- SetItemText(wp, item + 1, s1);
- if oe = noErr then
- SetItemText(wp, item, concat(NumToK(len), chars[s_char], NumToK(i)))
- else
- SetItemText(wp, item, GetDisplayStr(S_Failed));
- end;
- procedure DisplayFinish (wp: windowPtr; oe: OSErr);
- begin
- ProgressItem(wp, DI_Progress);
- SetItemText(wp, DI_Reading, processing_name);
- { Only called between DisplayOpen and DisplayClose }
- end;
- end.